Copyright © 2013 JP Wireless Technologies
...Reliable, Dependable, Available!
Welcome To JP Wireless SMS!

JP Wireless has just launched JPSMS, a robust, easy to use bulk SMS solution with instant delivery and extended or detail
reporting system for schools, clubs, societies, churches, businesses, individuals, wedding, anniversaries and financial

Send Bulk SMS from your PC to Mobile anytime and anywhere in the world. Using our web interface, you can schedule the time
that you want your messages to reach your clients. Our platform reaches over 760 networks in more than 210 countries

Bulk SMS messaging has become the most powerful and effective tool for marketing & communications in the 21st century. This
is so because of it's cost effectiveness and the power of intimacy it tends to wield. It drops your brand in the hands of your
spropective clients directly and in most case, it is been stored for reference when needed.

With our solutions, you will not be charged for duplicate and wrong numbers due to omission or typo graphical errors. The
reporting system is done carrier by carrier ie according to the network and status of delivery.

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